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<<audio "mi" play>>
In this game, you can create your own personalized My Immortal story.
Click below to start:
[[Start|1]] Enter your full name:
<<textbox "$n" "">>
[[NEXT|2]].Enter your specific hair color and length(ie: long ebony brown, short maple red):
<<textbox "$hc" "">>
and the place it reaches (ie: mid back, thighs, shoulders):
<<textbox "$hr" "">>
[[NEXT|3]]Enter your eye color with an adjective (ie: cy blue, firey hazel):
<<textbox "$ec" "">>
And a dramatic thing that shares your eye color (ie: limpid tears, the abyss)
<<textbox "$ed" "">>
[[NEXT|4]].Enter the name of a celebrity you like (Amy Lee, Satan):
<<textbox "$c1" "">>
[[NEXT|5]].Enter a celebrity that shares your name (ie: if your name is ____Green you can say John Green):
<<textbox "$c2" "">>
[[NEXT|6]].Enter your skin color (ie: dark brown, pale white, olive):
<<textbox "$s" "">>
[[NEXT|7]].Enter something that you are (ie: goblin, witch, singer):
<<textbox "$t" "">>
and something that you do (ie: am in a band, go to a school):
<<textbox "$wyg" "">>
[[NEXT|8]].Enter the place where you live (ie: England, Arkansas, Hell):
<<textbox "$pl" "">>
And I'm in the + year you’re in/ I work at + your job
(ie: I'm in the seventh grade/ I work at Wallgreens):
<<textbox "$j" "">>
[[NEXT|9]].Enter your age:
<<textbox "$a" "">>
[[NEXT|10]].Enter the name of a subculture you are (ie: emo, prep, scene kid):
<<textbox "$l" "">>
[[NEXT|11]].Enter your favorite color or texture to wear (ie: black, lace):
<<textbox "$ft" "">>
And your favorite clothing shop (ie: Hot Topic, Spencers):
<<textbox "$cs" "">>
[[NEXT|12]].For this part, you need to describe your clothes:
Your top (ie: a black corset with matching lace around it) :
<<textbox "$dds" "">>
Your bottom (ie: a black leather miniskirt) :
<<textbox "$ddp" "">>
Any extras (ie: pink fishnets) :
<<textbox "$dda" "">>
Your shoes (ie: black combat boots) :
<<textbox "$ddsh" "">>
Your makeup or anything else you're wearing (ie: wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow)
<<textbox "$ddm" "">>
[[NEXT|13]].Enter any place (ie: outside the school, in the plaza):
<<textbox "$p" "">>
[[NEXT|14]].Enter the name of another subculture (ie: goths, hipsters) :
<<textbox "$lft" "">>
[[NEXT|15]].Finally, enter the full name of anyone you like (ie: Bill Clinton):
<<textbox "$ps" "">>
[[NEXT|16]].Hi my name is $n and I have $hc hair that reaches my $hr and $ec eyes like $ed and a lot of people tell me I look like $c1 (AN: if u don't know who they are get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to $c2 but I wish I was because they're a major fucking hottie. I have $s skin. I'm also a $t, and I $wyg in $pl where $j (I'm $a). I'm a $l (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly $ft. I love $cs and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a $dds and $ddp, $dda and $ddsh. I was wearing $ddm. I was walking outside $p. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of $lft stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey $n!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... $ps!
<<cacheaudio "mi" "https://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_musanj6V7B1rzet56o1.mp3">>All done!
Click next when you're ready to find out your My Immortal story.